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Reverse Curve Bending

A-1 Roll Company > Specialized Bending > Reverse Curve Bending

Reverse curve bending is also known as an S-Curve.  In this type of bending, the radius center changes from one side of the part to the other.  With reverse curve bending, it’s ideal for there to be a few feet of straight between the two curves, but some steel sections can still be successfully bent without the straight.  Often, multiple pieces need to be bent to meet a project’s needs, then the pieces welded together.  Doing so may create an inferior piece while also adding the expense of the welding process.  Reverse curve bending allows for the creation of a stronger, single piece of bent metal without the need for welds or splices which may compromise the quality of the piece. 

Using reverse curve bending, structures can be created which look both aesthetically pleasing, and are also functional.  Roof structures, canopies and trusses are all possible applications of the reverse curve bend, while metallic art puts the process to use on a purely visual level.

Reverse Curve Bending

A-1 Roll has the capacity to handle reverse curve bending of any structural shape, size and material.  Our expert team can work with any piece, large or small, and any material that your project requires, whether its brass, steel, copper aluminum or any other alloy.  Our 25,000 square foot facility houses machines for any project size and we have the experience necessary to provide you with reverse curve shapes of any diameter, size and material.

Reverse Curve Bending
Extra services provided by A-1 Roll include:
  • Punching
  • Beveling
  • Welding
  • Cutting
  • Grinding

To find out how A-1 Roll can help you, contact us today and speak to our friendly and knowledgeable team.  We will give you the quality parts you need to meet the specifications of any project in any industry.